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Payment Instructions

You may choose to pay safely, securely, and easily by using, Venmo, or PayPal, or send a tip via "Buy Me A Coffee." Please see below for more information.

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Tip or pay with "Buy Me A Coffee"

To send me a tip:​

  1. Scan the QR code shown below or click here:  Buy me coffee               

  2. Sectect the amount you want to send.

  3. Add a note with the payment... if you would like... you know I will get back to you!

SAVE Buy Me A Coffee QR Code 2.png
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Tip or Pay with Venmo

To make a payment with Venmo:

Scan the QR code shown below, or click here: Venmo

TPSC Venmo QR code.png

Tip or Pay with PayPal

To make a payment with PayPal, click here: PayPal​



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