'cause we all need a little of this!

This is THE place to be in season on a Saturday morning
Fresh fruit, veg, soaps, cheeses, pastries, bread, honey, flowers, and take and bake!
The hubby was out of town, enjoying excess in New Orleans so I took a trip to the Palm Springs Farmers' Market yesterday. It's been years since I've had the time to enjoy the market and it has only improved. I enjoy mixing with people, being outdoors (this time of year, anyway), and getting an early start on my day. The weather was FANTASTIC. Temperatures were in the high 60s, the skies were picture postcard perfect (our signature Palm Springs Blue sky with not one cloud) and there were no winds. I dressed warmly and was amused that the gaggle of seasonal locals were all in shorts. This was going to be fun shopping for dinners as well as entertainment and I enjoyed both! Here are a few of the things I learned!
1. There is such a thing as "Blue Eggs" AND, they come from "Healthy Happy Hens" (of course!) If that were not enough, the hens roam freely, eat bugs, veggies, and fruit, and are made with love. I know this because a sign told me... and they wouldn't lie, would they?

2. For only $15, you too can have, Love, Dreams and Pie. Again, the sign told me this so it must be true. These fantastic ladies make wonderful quiches, pot pies, and a few more take-and-bake items made "on the other side of the mountain" and imported to our slice of paradise (ya see what I did there!!!) for us to enjoy. Their items are single-serving sized, vacuum sealed, and delivered frozen. This is the real thing and since bacon and eggs at a diner is just about the same price, why not treat yourself!

3. There is more to the world of avocados than the wonderful Haas variety. Bacon avocados (you had me at bacon) are a thing. Yes. Now I know and now you do too! Unfortunately, I'm told that they don't taste like bacon, they are named after someone by the name of Bacon (no not the Kevin you thought of.). What really makes these bacon avocados from Glencairn Farms special is that they were NOT raised in cages. I know this because the sign said so, and they would not lie!

Despite the fact that EVERYONE was friendly and having a great time, I heard Sam Smith and I'm not here to Make Freinds
The Plain and Simple Promise:
- Fresh foods and more
- Great people watching
- Happiness
The surprise:
There really is plenty of free parking, just not in front of the theater where everyone is circling for a spot. Go to the driveway behind the theater (on the west edge of the property), drive around the market and you will find parking happiness.
If you go:
- The Palm Springs Farmers' Market is located about 1.8 miles from downtown Palm Springs.
- The Market is held in two locations depending on the time of year. In season, it is held in the parking lot of the Palm Springs Cultural Center (formerly the Camelot Theater) and during the hot months, at the Palm Springs Pavilion. Get there early (i.e. 8a) for the best stuff.

- Open Saturdays, 8a -1p in season